Wednesday 24 August 2016

Problems with Student Visa Status Verification

Sometimes the officer assisting you at DPS may not be able to verify your valid student or scholar visa status. Students or scholars in F-1 or J-1 status make up a small number of the visitors to DPS and new employees may not be familiar with processing application for these individuals. If the DPS officer is not able to verify your status in the SAVE system, you should politely ask to speak supervisor. You can say something like, "I think I have complicated the case, may I please speak with a supervisor?" I a supervisor is not able to verify your valid students status, DPS should give you information for contacting DPS Headquarters for additional assistance. If you have any trouble with the process, contact the International Office for assistance.

Here are some common reasons students and scholars are not able to get a Texas ID or Driver's Licence:

  1. You have gone to the DPS office too early. After you arrive in the US, the International Office updates your SEVIS record to show that you are here and that you have checked in with our office. Students should plan to wait at least 10 days from entering the US and at least 2 days from registering for classes before visiting DPS. J-1 scholars should wait at least 10 days from entering the US and 3 days checking in and registering for classes before visiting DPS.
  2. Inconsistencies in your immigration documents. If your name on your I-20 or DS-2019 does not match your passport exactly, please bring this to the attention of the International Office before visiting DPS.
  3. You have a pending status change or OPT application. The information DPS can see about your record is limited and DPS officers may not be experts in your immigratşon situation. If you are a changing to a new immigrations status or you are applying OPT, it may be difficult for the DPS officer verify your valid status. If this is the case for you, be sure to ask to meet with a supervisor at DPS. Even if you meet with a supervisor, additional research may be required to verify your status. If this is the case, the DPS officer will give you contact information for DPS Headquarters. Contact the International Office if you have difficulties. You should expect delays in the progressing of your driver's licence or Texas ID if you have a pending OPT application, you have a cap gap I-20, or you have a pending change of status application.

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