Saturday 15 August 2015

Present Continuous

Use the present continuous to describe an action happening now or around now.
We are having an English lesson at the moment.

Use the present continuous also describe a changing situation.
The weather in the UK is definitely getting hotter.

Form the present continuous with the auxiliary be+ the -ing form of the main verb.
I am trying to finish this exercise.
He is not staying with us right now.
Is it raining? Yes, it is/No, it is not

We usually just add -ing to end of the main verb, but note these spelling changes:

  • Verbs ending -e, remove -e and add -ing: Live => Living
  • Verbs ending in vowel + most consonants, double the consonant and add -ing: get => getting, travel = travelling

Time Expressions

We often use time expresions with the present continuous, e.g. now, today, currently, these days.
We are staying at a frienn's house at the moment.

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