Saturday 15 August 2015

Present Simple

Use the present simple to talk about facts and things that are generally true.

It rains a lot in Britain

Use the present simple also to talk about regular actions and habits.

We have a skiing holiday every winter.


With the present simple of the verb be, use am, is or are in affirmative statements, questions and negatives. 

He is always very friendly.
Are you interested in travelling?
I am not often here at the weekends.

With the present simple of other verbs, use the verb on its own in affirmative statements.

They work in the same office as me.

!Remember to add -s to the main verb after he/ she / it.

Peter lives in a really big house.

Note these spelling changes after he/ she/ it.

  • Verbs ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -z, -x or -o, add -es:
    wash => washes
  • Verbs ending in consonant + -y, change -y to -ies:
    carry => carries
  • The verb have becomes has after he/ she/ itAfrica has a lot of problems.
Use do/does to form the negative and questions.

We do not live near here.
Does your country have a lot of storms?

Present simple short answers use do/does.
Yes, it does. No, it does not.

Use do/ does or am/ is/ are to form questions with no who, what, when, where, how, why, which.
When does winter start here?
What is your name?

Advers and Time Expressions

We often use adverbs frequency with present simgle, e.g. always, often, sometimes, never. The adverb comes after verb be, but before other verbs.
It is never really hot in Scotland.
It does not often snow in London.

We can also use time expressions with the present simple, e.g. every day, once a week, every year. We usually put these at he end of the sentence.

The news is on BBC at 6.00 every evening.

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