Saturday 15 August 2015

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Use the present simple for regular actions and the present continuous for actions progress.
Present Simple: It rains every day in winter.
Present Continuous: It is not raining at he moment.

We use both the present simple and present continuous with verbs that describe actions (action verbs), e.g. rain, work, play.
The children play with their friends on Saturdays.
The children are playing football now.

Some verbs describe states (state verbs) such as feelings and situations, e.g. be, want, believe, know, understand, like. These verbs do not usually have a continuous form.

I want a drink. +
I am wanting a drink. -

Some verbs can be state or action verbs, e.g. think.
I think this city is beautiful. (= this is my opinion.)
I am thinking about what to wear. (=deciding.)

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